Nancy Pelosi Calls for "Compromise" on Guns
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi took to the airwaves to discuss gun control on Good Morning America this week, proposing new restrictions on gun owners in response to the Pittsburgh shootings. Her proposal to the show's host includes registration of guns and their owners, a step that has historically lead to confiscation.
In addition, Speaker Pelosi recommends we ban guns from crossing state lines. She will put an end to competitions such as NRA’s Camp Perry, hurt hunters who prefer to take to the fields in a neighboring state, and potentially even restricting whether or not gun owners can take their firearms with them if they move. These restrictions are absurd!
The only way to shut Nancy Pelosi's gun control fantasies down is to take quick action to put pressure on "blue dog" Democrats, who come from more conservative districts, and are most vulnerable to calls for gun control. We have a number of them in Pennsylvania. They are:
- District 3 - Kathleen A Dahlkemper
- District 4 - Jason Altimire
- District 10 - Christopher Carney
- District 11 - Paul E. Kanjorski
- District 12 - John P. Murtha
- District 17 - Tim Holden
If you live in any of these districts, please use the links above to contact your representative and tell them that you oppose the Speaker Pelosi's gun control agenda. Express skepticism about your trust in the Democratic Party to protect your Second Amendment rights. Be aware that many of the representatives above are pro-gun, and will likely be on our side, but don't let them take you for granted, and make sure they understand that you expect them to represent the interests of gun owners in your district, and not help Nancy Pelosi bring her San Francisco attitudes on guns to Pennsylvania.