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Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association

Discussion Forum Subscriptions

If you are a member of our discussion forum, you know what a valuable resource it is to Pennsylvania firearm owners. Unfortunately such a resource does not come cheap. The reality of the situation is that our discussion forum rests on thousands of dollars worth of hardware/software and costs hundreds of dollars a month to serve the millions of requests each month. But don't worry, you can help! By purchasing a forum subscription you can support the Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association while also getting some added benefits. See the below chart to decide which subscription is right for you.

» Purchase a Forum Subscription «

Forum Subscription Types and Features

Regular Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Patron Benefactor
Free $9.99/yr $19.99/yr $49.99/yr or $4.99/mo $99.99/yr or $9.99/mo $249.99/yr or $24.99/mo $499.99/yr or $49.99/mo
Private Message Limit
50 75 100 200 400 1000 2000
Signature Lines
1 2 3 4 5 5 5
No ads after first post
No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Access the PAFOA Club Forum
No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Access the PAFOA Insiders Forum
No No No No No Yes Yes
Be Listed on the As a Forum Leader
No No No No No Yes Yes
Be Listed as a Major Supporter
No No No No No No Yes

Forum Subscription Feature Explanations


Different subscriptions have different prices with varying levels of access to features and private discussion forums. All subscriptions offer the choice of being automatically renewed (recurring) or being renewed manually as they expire. Certain subscriptions also allow you to pay on a monthly basis rather than as one lump sum up front.

Private Message Limit

Every user on the discussion forum has a limit to the number of private messages they can store at any one time, while the default of 50 may be good for the casual user, anyone who uses the forum regularly (especially if they use the classifieds) will probably find the need for more space.

Signature Lines

On the forum, your signature is displayed below every post you make and can contain information of your choosing. Depending on your subscription level, you are allowed to include more or less information.

No Ads after First Post in Discussion Threads

As a necessity to offset operating costs, the Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association sells advertising in certain locations on our websites. One of the most effective ad slots is between the first and second post of every discussion thread on our forum. However members with subscriptions will not see any ads in this location!

Forum Listing

Members with Patron and Benefactor subscriptions will show up on our listing of "Forum Leaders", our way of recognizing those members who have made significant contributions to the organization and the pro-gun cause in Pennsylvania.

Supporter Listing

Members with Benefactor subscriptions will show up prominently on our soon-to-be listing of benefactors on our main website.


The PAFOA Club is a private area on our discussion forum for all members with a paid subscription. It allows members to discuss what's on their mind in a smaller, more close-knit arena.

PAFOA Insider

Because of their strong financial commitment to the Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association, members with Patron and Benefactor subscriptions are given access to the PAFOA Insider discussion forum, a private area where they can interface directly with the organization.

» Purchase a Forum Subscription «


  1. Forum Subscriptions are non-refundable.
  2. Purchasing a Forum Subscription does not protect you from being banned for rule violations. If during the course of a subscription you are banned, you will not be credited for any time lost, so don't do things that get you banned.